Thursday, March 10, 2016

Throwback Thursday: A Shout Out to Dan Hansen

From the journals of Dr. Comstock
The other day I got an email from Dan Hansen in which he shared another one of his daily Drivel Chats. It began like this:

Today is 3-7 at 1:54 AM. I will be turning 37 on Thursday the 10th. 3+7 = 10. 1+5+4 = 10. What strange omen could this be? 10 is completion of a cycle. Extracting meaning out of a meaningless moment brought me the spark of inspiration needed to write my next entry. Yes I am turning 37. This was the year van Gogh shot himself in the chest and died shortly after. This was the 3rd milestone I've reached. The first milestone was 27. I beat the 27 club.

Today is the tenth, and it is his 37th birthday. Indeed. Rather than select just one blog entry for Throwback Thursday today, I thought I'd share several. We met as a result of our mutual interest in the arts and later began a friendship that deepened when we discovered many other mutual interests.

This is a link to his 2012 art exhibition at the PRØVE Gallery here.

In January 2015 we did a follow up.

Here's a blog post from a visit last year around this time.

This past December I was granted permission to share a dream/nightmare that he had written down, or rather, dictated.

Dan created the illustrations on this page to accompany a film treatment we were working on, attempting to adapt my Young Adult novel The Red Scorpion into a film. Even if nothing comes of it, we had tremendous fun developing characters and potential storylines.

Meantime, this is my shout out to Dan.... You're a great guy and you are much appreciated. Happy Birthday, mon. And here's a tip: the secret to long life is to keep having more birthdays.

The Red Scorpion and the Journals of Dr. Comstock are fictional creations.

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