Another diamond, another scheme,
Another effort to break the theme;
Another day, another dream.

November 18, 1997
I started my first journal in junior high school. It was different from most journals because I did not record the events of my daily life. Instead, I recorded the dreams of my night. That is, when I woke in the morning I would lay there in the limbo region between waking and sleeping and reconstruct the images that has just passed through my mind. I think the first recorded dream had Tim Conway of McHale's Navy in it. I recall nothing of the dream, but remember the next recorded dream was a week or two later. As I practiced recalling my dreams I developed the skill of being able to recall in vivid detail up to four or five dreams in a night, with sometimes several pages of detail.
At a certain point in time the importance of recalling dreams subsided for me. Nevertheless, in the course of a lifetime of journal writing, certain dreams have occasionally seemed worthy of being recorded or remembered.
A few of my more unusual or meaningful dreams have been posted on my website at
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