The book is interesting and sad simultaneously. Sad because she is so merciless in her scathing commentary that one wonders how she is with everyone she knows. This is not to say that some objects of her vicious sarcasm aren't worth it. But where is the line drawn? It's all swords and poison... too often heat without light.
Movie: Finished watching Chinatown with Micah. Film noir revisited. Interesting how the impact of Chinatown pervades the whole film, but is only in the last scene. Everything moves toward this inevitable tragic end.
Jonathan Winters will be calling me this week to do the interview. Good good. Patience & persistence may yet have a payoff.
Apr 23, 2003
Apr 23, 2003
In 2003 I became aware that Jonathan Winters was, in addition to being a comedian/actor, an artist as well. When I learned that some of his paintings were being converted to screen print images by screenprint artist Joe Petro, I pitched the idea of doing an article for Screen Printing magazine. As it turned out, the interview was great, but the original story was thin on value for screen printers.
As result I decided to re-shape the article to feature Joe Petro, who does work for many other people of note. Consequently it was my privilege to also interview artist/authors Ralph Steadman and Kurt Vonnegut. The interviews with Steadman and Vonnegut were both stimulating, but the Vonnegut meeting (by phone) was especially so since I had been a voracious reader of his books while young.
This past spring when Mr. Vonnegut passed from this earth I assembled the following tribute. http://www.enewman.biz/vonnegut.html
For the record, I have on file here an absolutely fantastic interview with Jonathan Winters which needs to find a home someday. (By "a home" I mean in print somewhere.)
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