There are problems with the 3K oil change, however. If you drive a lot, finding time for frequent oil changes is a hassle. Second, you simply create a lot of waste oil, as well as packaging waste, and filters which have no easy way to be drained. Huge mess and not good for the environment.
Nevertheless, the oil industry has done everything it can to keep oil drain intervals at 3,000 miles because it adds dollars to their bottom line. I have a quote in my drawer from the CEO of Pennzoil who said if he could get people to change at 2900 miles instead of 3,000, their company would make an additional 22-24 million dollars. Sounds to me like a statement that does not really reflect a concern for what is best for consumers or the environment.
General Motors several years ago stopped recommending a specified drain interval. Instead they installed an oil life monitor which sends a message to the dashboard when it is time to change oil. The "Change Oil" light may come on at 4700 miles or 7800 miles, or even 12,340 miles. It is based on an algorithm that analyzes you driving style and its impact on the oil's service life.
This ad here was directed toward businesses in the Do-It-For-Me oil change market. It addresses their biggest fear, that as oil change intervals lengthen they will see their customers less. AMSOIL offers a win-win-win solution. It's a win for motorists, for quick lubes, and for the environment. Much more could be said, but for that you'll need to visit the AMSOIL website.
What I Like: I realize this ad violates Ogilvy's rule about reverse type, but it is a compelling headline and image. The writing is tight and direct as well. What I really like is that I had no idea what the image should be for this ad. I wrote the copy, sent all the words, headline, etc. to Service Printers, and this is what came back. Seeing it was like opening a Christmas present. It's great to be part of a team, and in this case the Service Printers art department proved to be my ace in the hole. Thanks!
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