With the advent of Internet you have additional options. ESPN offer a great NFL Gamecast with play by play, game stats and ongoing boxscore. On a typical Sunday you can pop in and out of all the games being played at the moment. Admittedly, one thing you don't get with NFL Gamecast is crowd noise, or commentary on those special moments when the fans stand up to cheer their home team. Nevertheless it's another way follow the unfolding story.
Then there's Twitter. Whereas NFL Gamecast gives the facts, staight up, without commentary, Twitter can sometimes become a wild brawl with colorful language and intense emotions. Here's a brief exchange that took place after Brett Favre took a hard hit by assaulting Cowboys.
Congrats, Brett. Keep it going...

less than 20 seconds ago from UberTwitter
hodag91: @DarnBurr was that something nice that you just said about favre?
less than 20 seconds ago from Tweetie
ImaGee_: Yall know how much I dislike the Cowboys but I'm takin them 5x's over Brett Favre. Call it hate if you want but I DO NOT want to see him win
less than 20 seconds ago from dabr
goldwingman: enjoying coffee, tv, watching Favre get hammered. how does the old man take it? he B tuff, that's how. git 'em Brett
less than 20 seconds ago from web
HurriKane1911: #omgfacts the first legal forward pass in American football took place in 1906. Who threw it?...Brett Favre
half a minute ago from UberTwitter
shella10: Though I don't like the soap opera drama he brings every offseason, I still respect his work ethic. Go Favre!
half a minute ago from web
GoodTryers: The Good Tryers support financial backer Brett Favre. http://bit.ly/89QeU0
half a minute ago from Facebook
cunha84: @Eng3Shaggy They just hate whatever team favre is on lol and where is @geoffkeegan with his comment on the vikings game
half a minute ago from txt
Yngnfly: RT @chef2thestars: I love brett favre, he plays w such heart! Errbody else just wanna check <--- YES HE DOES, MY FAVORITE QB OF ALL TIME half a minute ago from UberTwitter

half a minute ago from TweetDeck
Zakstheman: @WhitlockJason waitin for some type of comment on the officials no call on unneccessary roughness/late hit on favre. oh, u picked cowboys
half a minute ago from API
tadster1981: cant believe that favre has a shot at another super bowl win
half a minute ago from web
macrwc: Not really a Brett Favre fan, but like the Cowboys even less. Go, Vikings!
half a minute ago from Mixero
theonlinemom: @LynnaKay yup awesome! I just hope the defense can come thru for Favre
less than a minute ago from TweetDeck
LeeCorning: I think they should get rid of the little robot guy that dances on fox during football and replace it w/ a digital brett favre. #BRETTS
less than a minute ago from web
therealare1: If Brett Favre wins the Super Bowl this year I won't argue w/ ppl who says he's the best QB ever...
less than a minute ago from API
Sexyassbitch85: @NewYorxFinest smh nah don't think soo.. Ill go all in, in favor for brett favre!!! http://myloc.me/2YleC
less than a minute ago from UberTwitter
stacerz02: uh oh - the cowboys better get going ; minnesota is up 17-3 with 12:17 left in the 3Q - Romo- don't let Favre dominate you like that!
less than a minute ago from web
MaxwellSam: @mike_coombs GO VIKINGS. Favre=God (a.k.a your father). The cowboys were foolish to fire Bledsoe
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