Friday, June 16, 2023

30 Miscellaneous Dylan Clippings Discovered While Doing Research for Bob Dylan in Minnesota

I suspect that most journalists love doing research. I know that I do. That's half the fun of being a writer. Especially when you discover surprises like a giant shark's tooth on a Maryland beach or an unusually spectacular agate on the North Shore.

While trying to get some facts straight for the book Bob Dylan In Minnesota (the fourth book in K.G. Miles' Troubadour Series) I enjoyed a leisurely afternoon scanning through clippings from our local newspapers and tabloids. It was especially funny to come across a few things I myself had written.

As every Dylanophile knows, there are more than a few contradictory facts that you can find in the various books about Bob. As the saying goes, it is what it is. 

Here's a batch of clippings, some of which you may or may not have seen before. A few are not local, as you will notice. I'll try to share more soon. There are a lot of them and every picture tells a story.

Hilarious "oops"... This is the Duluth Hillside home. Not Hibbing.
THIS is the Hibbing house... a few decades ago.
It is now part of the Bill Pagel collection.
LeRoy Hoikkala, drummer for the Golden Chords,
Bob's first garage band in Hibbing

Have a fun weekend. It's Grandma's Marathon in Duluth. 
And Father's Day on Sunday. Happy Father's Day to all you dads.

If you forgot to get your pa a Father's Day gift,
here's something he 
might enjoy if he's a Dylan fan.
Check it out HERE

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