Headline is "My House For Yours; Let's Make A Deal"... about a young family looking for a larger home in an unconventional manner. Evidently the fellow has an instinct for PR because he got a major amount of space on the front page of today's paper. The other story above the crease, one column wide on the right side, is a continuation of the robbery coverage that has been taking place. On seven occasions now, college kids who have been out drinking have been held up at gun point or knife point on their way home. This story is titled "Robbery victims tell of shocking walk home." Kids, this town is not as safe as it used to be.
Sunrise was scheduled for 7:22 a.m.. It's a little cloudy so we did not see it happen. Sunset is scheduled for the early afternoon hour of 4:27. High of 28 is good for snocross fans waiting for the AMSOIL Duluth Nationals next weekend at Spirit Mountain. They've been making snow for ten days in the event that the real stuff fails to arrive. Low tonight will be 22.
In other local news, writer Ed Newman has a busy day scheduled. In a few minutes he will be driving to Hinckley to interview John Prin, an Edina addiction counsellor whose third book, The Roadmap to Lifelong Recovery, has just been published. It is a workbook format subtitled, "Tested Strategies to Overcome Addiction and Avoid Relapse." One premise in all Newsman Newman intends to blog the interview and share some of the insights from Prin's book here at Ennyman's Territory.
Tonight Newman will be performing - harmonica, percussions, vocals - with the Elliiot Brothers at Amazing Grace Bakery in the basement of the DeWitt Seitz Building in Canal Park. Silberman, artist and musician, is most noted for his annual Memorial Day production called Battle of the Jug Bands. It's "roots" music in its most basic form.
More on artist, entertainer Elliot Silberman (above right) another day. On washtub bass: Ted Gay (below right). Check 'em out at Amazing Grace, tonight, live... No cover charge. Best entertainment money can't buy.
But first, I better go put air in my tire, or I ain't goin' nowhere. Y'all have a good day, ya hear?

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