In answer to the question, “How much of the time do you think you can trust the government in Washington to do what’s right – just about always, most of the time, or only some of the time?”
In 1958: 76% said “just about always” or “most of the time”
In 1970: 50%
In 1976: 33%
Number of buildings the Pentagon owns or rents around the world, 2008: 316,238
Number of sites where these building are located: 4,668
Number of sites that are in foreign countries: 761
Number of sites located in foreign countries in 1967: 1,014
Percentage of persons classified as poor in U.S. who have air conditioning: 85%
Percentage who had air conditioning in 1971: 36%
Percentage of persons classified as poor in U.S. who have a color TV set: 97%
Percentage in 1971: 40%
Percentage of U.S. poor who own an automatic dishwasher: 40%
In in 71: 20%
Percentage who own a refrigerator: Almost 100%
In 1970: 75%

Total Federal spending today: $2.5 trillion
Current Federal Wall Street/AIG bailout package: $700 billion
Number of persons in prison with drug crimes as most serious offense: 400,000
Number in 1980: 24,000
Number of persons worldwide who have died from starvation in the last hour: 2,738
Number in past hour who died from malaria: 342
Percentage of Haitian babies born with low birth weight: 25
Percentage of Haitians using adequate sanitation facilities: 30
Percentage of world illness caused by unsanitary drinking water: 80
Approximate number of deaths caused by 1998 civil war in Congo: 2.9 million
Number of live nuclear warheads in U.S. arsenal, 1966: 32,040
Estimated number of warheads in Pakistan today: 60-80
Number of synapses in human brain: 100 trillion
Number of web cams today: 100 million
Number of cell phones: 3.3 billion
Number of corporate email messages sent a day: 77 billion
Estimated number of times average person blinks in a day: 17,000
Estimated number of times average person laughs: Not enough
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