In seeking a theme for today's blog entry, I came across the quote above in one of my journals from the early nineties. Nobel prize winning author, once significant and pretty much now forgotten, Gide wrote near eighty books and introduced the world to many significant writers in the first half of the twentieth century. As a journal writer who once nurtured the hope of being significant in literature, I read the journals of many writers from Fitzgerald and Gide to Thomas Mann and a number of lesser lights such as Julian Green. The experience was instructive.

All this to say, I don't have much that is really burning to be expressed here other than the desire to share some photos I have taken. And then, to work my way through my Saturday "to do" list.
Have a great one. And let the sunshine in.
Top: Pottery studio ten miles south of Monterrey, 1981.
Middle: Two trains, Superior train yards, Fall 2008.
Bottom: Alphabet stencil over current Hispanic magazine. Stencils purchased in Athens, Ohio, 1974.
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