“Art evokes the mystery without which the world would not exist”
―René Magritte
Carl Gaboy, "Four Friends" at the Depot |
For weeks we've been hearing rumblings about the emerging Downtown Arts Walk and it's finally here. At first I heard that there were a dozen art spaces -- galleries and studios -- participating, and then 14 and 17 and now 25. The association of participating galleries, groups, individuals, cultural centers and businesses is called the Downtown Duluth Arts Collective. Details below.
Special thanks to Esther Piszczek for gathering all the loose strands and organizing them to be passed along to the community. If something is missing, let us know.
There are things that fail to get noted, but this is a good starting point. I know there is a Thursday evenings art walk in Superior, but I am missing details. You can learn more by contacting
Art on the Planet on Tower Avenue. The Oldenburg House in Carlton has a lot happening. Though the Magnolia Salon gatherings are on hold till Fall, Cookin' at the O and Movies at the O and other events are slated thru the summer. And be sure to mark your calendar for the Honey Bee Music Festival August 3 7 4. Get all the details here:
Art Contest Deadlines for Youth:
Duluth Youth Creative Challenge (DYCC)
Art Submission Deadlines July 9, Ages 5-7; July 16, Ages 8-10; July 23, Ages 11-3; July 30, Ages 14-16.
DYCC participants will be submitting a unique piece of art within one of the six themes: Fairy Tales, Great Outdoors, Heroes, Out of Place, Being Healthy, and Through a Window. Cash prizes. For details contact
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Friday, June 29, 4-9 p.m.,
Downtown Arts Walk, multiple locations
"The Downtown Duluth Arts Collective presents this night of art and entertainment, featuring Downtown Duluth art galleries, eateries, bars and performance venues. The Downtown Arts Walk is a multi-location, walkable, year-round event held on the final Friday of each month. Posters and flags bearing the logo are up at each location. The Downtown Duluth Arts Collective is a group of colleagues representing more than 25 arts businesses and groups, individual artist studios and cultural centers."
FB Page
Friday, June 29, 5-9 p.m.,
Opening Reception: Niiyo-wiij-anishinaabe (Four Friends), Depot Great Hall, 506 Michigan Street
"Over fifty pieces of work by three prolific artists: Carl Gawboy, George Morrison and Joe Geshick depict the lives of the Anishinaabe through their personal expressions of visual art. Niiyo-wiij-anishinaabe (Four Friends) celebrates the individual’s journey including the viewer, the fourth friend. A small opening reception will include a ceremony to welcome the art, recognize the land, and thank the artists and their families for bringing together the Anishinaabe community. There will also be a jazz guitar performance by Briand Morrison." Closing Ceremony to be held on Tuesday, July 24, 6-8 p.m.
Friday, June 29, 6:30-8:30 p.m.,
Art Opening: Lake Superior Sea Glass, Framing by Stengl, 1720 Tower Avenue, Superior, WI
"Mosaic work and glass window/wall hangings will be shown for the month of July, starting at this reception. All pieces will be for sale. Cash and check accepted. All materials found on the shores of Lake Superior."
FB Page
Friday, June 29, 7-11 p.m.,
Free Range Film Festival, The Barn in Wrenshall, 909 County Road 4 (7 p.m. and 9:30 p.m. showings)
"Selected films are shown in our massive hayloft. A 14 ’x 24’ screen and surround sound round out your film-going experience. While there is officially no charge for admission, the organizers do ask audience members for a $10 donation to help pay for barn maintenance." Films Continue: Saturday, June 30, 2 p.m., 7 p.m., and 9:30 p.m. showings.
Ed Newman, Mapped Life Series |
Saturday, June 30, 10 a.m.-3 p.m.,
Art on Tap, Blacklist Brewing, 120 E. Superior Street. Art and ice cream! Blacklist Brewery will be hosting a pop-up art fair with artists representing multiple disciplines. A wonderful place to find a unique wedding or graduation gift while enjoying a pint or a cone from Duluth's own Love Creamery.
Saturday, June 30, 7 p.m.,
Concert: Strikepoint, First United Methodist Church (Coppertop), 230 E. Skyline Parkway
"Strikepoint is one of the world’s top handbell ensembles. This performance is the homecoming concert of the group’s 2018 summer tour, which took them to Niagara Falls and Rochester, NY. Their recordings have been featured on National and Minnesota public radio and other nationally broadcast programs. Admission is free, but a $15 donation is suggested."
Sunday, July 1, 10 a.m.-4 p.m., Zenith Bookstore 1st Anniversary Party, 318 N. Central Avenue
"One year ago – on July 1, 2017 – we opened our bookstore doors not really knowing what to expect. Since then, week after week after week we continue to be amazed, humbled, inspired, and deeply moved by the loyalty, support and love of the people of Duluth, by the community of West Duluth, by the writers, poets, and publishers of the Twin Ports, and by our wonderful, wonderful customers. On Sunday, July 1 we will celebrate our anniversary with a day-long party – prizes throughout the day, and a store wide 10% sale on all items. Please come in for a piece of anniversary cake and to say hello – and maybe even exchange a hug!"
Mondays, July 2, 9, 16, 23, 30, 5:30 p.m.,
Tangling Mondays,
Mount Royal Library, 105 Mount Royal Shopping Circle
This group meets in the the old Yarn Harbor space, which was taken over by the library awhile back (on the left when you walk in). It is open to anyone, but primarily focused on pattern drawing. Bring your supplies and something you want to finish or start. No instruction, no fee, no organization. It's wonderful to tangle together, if schedules align, and lovely to tangle alone. If you find yourself alone, no worries, another Monday is right around the corner. Enjoy!
Carl Gaboy, "Four Friends" |
Tuesdays, July 3, 10, 17, 24, 31, 12:30-3 p.m.,
Open Studio at the Duluth Depot, 506 W. Michigan Street
The Duluth Art Institute offers a regular Tuesday open art-studio session at the Depot. People of all abilities practicing all artistic mediums are invited to bring their own supplies and join the weekly group. Cost: $5 plus a DAI membership (first session is free).
Thursday, July 5, 1-4 p.m.,
First Thursdays Open Studio, Duluth Art Institute Lincoln Park Building, 2229 W. 2nd Street
"Bring your supplies and artistic spirit to the beautiful and inspiring historic Lincoln Building. Connect with other creative people, spending time experimenting with your medium of choice. Each session will include time to create and optional end-of-session group critiques." $5/session + DAI Membership, no registration required, just drop in.
Sunday, July 8, 7-9 p.m.,
Gag Me With A Spoon - A Community Storyshare, Teatro Zuccone, 222 East Superior Street
Adeline Wright hosts this evening of storytelling and open mic journal sharing in the style of the Moth and Mortified podcasts. There will be featured storytellers and a musical guest. Member of the audience are also welcome to sign-up on the night for an 8 minute open mic journal-sharing segment. Suggested Donation: $5 at the door. FB Event Page.
Tuesdays, July 10, 17, 24, 31, 10:30-12:30 p.m., Art Canopy, The Depot, 506 W. Michigan Street
"On Tuesdays for four weeks in July, the Duluth Art Institute hosts “Art Canopy” outdoors under the porte-cochere at the Historic Duluth Union Depot. People are invited to stop by and adventure into art with free demonstrations and art-making experiences."
Wednesday, July 11, 6:30-9:00 p.m.,
Zentangle (R) & Wine, Master Framing Gallery, 1431 London Road
Come experience the fun and relaxation of drawing simple, repetitive line patterns with pen and ink and pencil shading. No previous drawing experience necessary. Class Cost: $35; Supplies: $10 (or use supplies provided without additional cost). RSVP to episzczek@gmail.com. Seats are limited.
Thursday, July 12, 6-9 p.m.,
Opening Reception and Artist Talk with Chholing Taha: Every Spirit Tells a Story, Duluth Art Institute Morrison Gallery, The Depot, 506 Michigan Street
"Chholing Taha is a CreeFirst Nations artist based in Anoka, MN who uses Native imagery to express both contemporary issues and indigenous stories. Solitude and wilderness have been a loyal companion throughout her lifetime." On View: July 12-September 2.
Thursday, July 12, 6-9 p.m.,
Opening Reception and Film Screening: Sonic Divide: States, The Duluth Art Institute, John Steffl Gallery, The Depot, 506 Michigan Street
"The Sonic Divide: States film features 30 commissioned scores from 30 different composers performed during MacDonald’s mountain bike journey along the Great Divide. Four paintings, by Duluth painter Kenneth D. Johnson, accompany the film." Film Screening: Thursday, July 12, 7:30-9 p.m., The Duluth Playhouse
On View: July 12-September 2.
Thursday, July 12, 7-9 p.m.,
Book of Beasties Book Launch Party with Author Sarah Seidlemann, Zenith Bookstore, 318 N. Central Avenue
"Celebrate the launch of Sarah Bamford Seidelmann's new book! The Book of Beasties is all about the magic of the beasties and how seeking out the messages of animals and their spirits can REALLY help! Sarah will be sharing stories from her own life and giving you the 411 on how to unravel your own beastie messages to help you navigate the trickier parts of your life."
Friday, July 13, 9:05 p.m., Greater Downtown Council's
Movies in the Park:
Dirty Dancing (PG 13), Leif Erikson Park.
Saturday, July 14, 10 a.m.-3 p.m.,
Nice Girls of the North 2nd Saturday Marketplace, Lakeside Lester Park Community Center (the former Lakeside Library), 106 N. 54th Ave. East
"Free coffee, cookies, and a friendly atmosphere await while you browse a collection of handcrafted clothing and bags, pottery, jewelry, stained glass, photography, personal care products, baby items and much more. One central checkout, most major credit cards accepted."
Friday, July 20, 9 p.m., Greater Downtown Council's
Movies in the Park: Ghostbusters (the original) (PG), Leif Erikson Park
Tuesday, July 24, 6-8 p.m. Closing Reception: Niiyo-wiij-anishinaabe (Four Friends), Depot Great Hall, 506 Michigan Street
"Niiyo-wiij-anishinaabe (Four Friends) celebrates the individual’s journey including the viewer, the fourth friend. The closing ceremony will include a pipe ceremony, feast, speakers and presentation of gifts in the Great Hall of the Depot."
Friday, July 27, 8:50 p.m., Greater Downtown Council's
Movies in the Park: Ghostbusters (NEW) (PG 13), Leif Erikson Park
Saturday, July 28, 10 a.m.-3 p.m.,
Woman Made Art & Gift Fair, Peace Church, 1111 N. 11th Avenue E.
"It’s a one-day marketplace with an assortment of items from aprons to soap to cards to jewelry and more, made by about 20 female artisans from the region."
Saturday, July 28, 3-7 p.m.,
Art on Tap, All Pints North Summer Brew Fest, Bayfront Festival Park
120+ Breweries; 21+ Only Event - ID Required at Entry; Rain or Shine; No Pets Allowed; Blankets and Folding Chairs Allowed; Sealed Water Bottle Allowed. Purchase your tickets HERE!
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There are all kinds of classes and other ways to immersive yourself in the creative vibe that energizes our community. Keep exploring.
Tonight's forecast looks good. If you see me on the Downtown Art Walk, do say hello. It will be a good evening to celebrate art.