When she described it to me I could only envision a vibrating chair with music. I felt unable to write a blog post unless I actually had a chance to get in the chair. The experience itself was nothing like what I imagined at all. Comparing it to a vibrating chair would be like comparing a 2 x 2 inch Polaroid photo of the Grand Canyon that's been through the wash to the Grand Canyon itself.
A view of the speakers beneath the mattress. |
All I can tell you is that it was quite effective at transporting me places and putting me in the zone.
At SoundVibration, Wendy facilitates sessions with the SolTec™ Lounge and also sells them for personal use in your home. She also assists others in becoming distributor partners or practitioners.
I pulled this portion of Wendy's testimony off her website.
Having used the SolTec™ Lounge now for over six years, I often get asked the question, “What changes have you noticed in yourself?” So I thought I would answer with this post. The first change I noticed was that I was happier. I nicknamed the chair the happy chair. That feeling has grown tremendously. I am contented, growing spiritually, and just more fun to be with in general. I smile most of the time and laugh a lot.
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This feature of the machine produces magnetic stimulation beneath your lower back. |
She has four chairs in hers. They're located in a near octagon-shaped room that reminds me of a home I painted in Minneapolis years ago. It's actually a wonderful house with a rich history, hardwood floors, built in 1891. But you don't have to have a historic home to own a chair though.
The chair's S-shaped design is not unlike my own easy chair at home when in recliner mode. Before lying down she pulled back the four-inch cushion to show me the speakers and magnetic resonance system so that I might understand the technical aspects of this SolTec Lounge
As I situated myself in the Lounge she said, "The more you surrender, the better it will be. Be with the music, don't listen to it"
I couldn't help listen, of course, because I'd been planning to write this description of my experience. Even so, I couldn't help but think of John Lennon singing Tomorrow Never Knows.
Turn off your mind relax and float down stream
It is not dying, it is not dying
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The space has a relaxing vibe. A tapestry from Ecuador. |
The sound track was more like several layers of translucence, with different things happening on each layer, but that which was beneath would slowly rise as other layers receded. The sounds were multi-cultural. I recognized one layer at the beginning as something akin to atonal African music. Some of the music was New Age-like but infused with colors--mauve and polyphonous patterns of sound. Then there were thunderclaps at times, with that fractal type of sound, a-rhythmic rather than a regular beat, accompanied by a-rhythmic pulses from the chair. The variety and intensity was quite striking.
I was instructed not to listen to the music but to be carried away by it all. In doing so I had all kinds of images and memories float through my mind. I thought of relationships I'd ruined, and peaceful places I'd been. At one point I had the strange sensation that my socks had wriggled off, which wasn't the case at all.
During the entire experience it seemed as if the sounds were interlaced with colors and vibes, and frequently I had thoughts that I wished to write down but chose to let go of.
At the very end, as everything else receded, there was a plinking piano melody--if I remember correctly--that reminded me of Randy Newman, who has done soundtracks for ever so many Hollywood films including Toy Story. And I felt myself luxuriously at rest in a waking dream.
* * * *
Start Doing More Things You Love

The price is $40 for a session, though you get a discount the first time. You also get a discount each time you bring someone new. Whether as an aid for meditation or a tool for. finding a much needed "state of rest" in the midst of a hectic, busy life, this may be just what you are looking for.
Related Links
SolTec Lounge
Wendy's Website
Schedule an appointment.
Wendy Ruhnke, SoundVibration, LLC
This was not a vibrating chair, it was something far more complex and actually quite effective. This blog post has been my weak attempt to describe the experience.
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