Wednesday, May 4, 2022

Last Chance for Bob Dylan to Take a Bite from His 80th Birthday Cake

The original cake, 24 May 2021.
Last year's Duluth Dylan Fest marked the beginning of a year-long celebration of Bob Dylan in St. Louis County, which encompasses both towns that young Bobby Zimmerman grew up in. With the exception of 2020, first year of the pandemic, the Duluth Dylan Fest team--along with friends and Dylan fans--has gathered in front of his first home to share birthday cake, listen to music and to mix.

When we packed everything up afterwards, a large central portion of the cake still remained uneaten. It was offered to me to preserve, which I dutifully took home, wrapped tight and placed in the freezer. Since it was Bob's birthday cake, I put the word out that it was rightfully his if he should desire to eat it or share it. 

Now it is May again, and another Duluth Dylan Fest approaches. Susie and I decided that it was time to give up on Bob contacting us for his cake. Last night we indulged a little in cake eating. Guess what? Susie doesn't care much for cake, but this one is delicious, she noted. 

The purpose of this blog post is to invite you to Duluth Dylan Fest, May 21-29. The Birthday Party is always in the afternoon at Bob's birth home, 519 North 3rd Avenue East. You can find the full slate of events here.

Here's what we have left of last year's cake, more abstract in appearance but as tasty as ever.

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