Tuesday, June 28, 2022

Your Organizational Culture Matters More Than You Think

Over the course of my career I have been blessed with periods in which the work environment that I was in was uplifting and even motivational. Those seasons in which workers thrive and feel energized cab sometimes last years. I have also seen how workers can become demotivated and their joy be siphoned away. I've experienced it in both blue collar and white collar contexts and, sadly, when I hear people tell how much they love their work I inwardly think, "When you have that, cherish it. It doesn't always last."

Here's the beginning of a short guest blog I wrote for Audacity Human Resources. 

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Your Organizational Culture Matters

The Gallup organization has been polling and writing about employee engagement for decades. One reason this is important is because employees who love their work and are fully invested are less likely to be seduced away by other opportunities. If that is not a compelling reason to think about your employees, then consider this. According to Gallup data, business units with engaged workers have 23% higher profit compared with business units with miserable workers.

At a time when businesses are scrambling for workers, you don’t want to be vulnerable to losing more members of your team, especially the key ones making a contribution.


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